
Cooking Quiz

A fun little questionnaire I got from Connie....
1. How many meals does most of your family eat at home each week? How many are in your family? Does eating Fast Food at home count? We eat 4 or 5 times together... 3 adults, 2 children.... Yeah, pizza & teriyaki totally count!
2. How many cookbooks do you own? I have maybe 6 or 7, people like to give me cookbooks & I like to read them.
3. How often do you refer to cookbooks each week? Maybe once. !!!
4. Do you collect recipes from other sources? If so, what are some of your favorite sources? I am always on the lookout for something simple so Yes... Allrecipes.com is my favorite online source, there's also the Kraft brand recipe newsletter and there's always friends...
5. How do you store those recipes? Allrecipes has a virtual recipe box so hold your favorites or you can print them out (then they get tossed into another cookbook and easily lost). Recipes from friends go on my shopping list pad and then into another cookbook.
6. When you cook, do you follow the recipe pretty closely, or do you use recipes primarily to give you ideas? I will follow it the first time if I have all the ingredients but my mom taught me that recipes are just guidelines. :)
7. Is there a particular ethnic style or flavor that predominates in your cooking? If so, what is it? Definitely European - meat & potatoes basics.
8. What's your favorite kitchen task related to meal planning and preparation? The happy time spent simmering - I know it's all done and now the smell fills the house!
9. What's your least favorite part? Cleaning up....
10. Do you plan menus before you shop? I try....
11. What are your three favorite kitchen tools or appliances? Microwave, a good knife, and a good garlic press!
12. If you could buy one new thing for your kitchen, money was no object and space not an issue, what would you most like to have? A rotisserie :)
13. Since money and space probably are objects, what are you most likely to buy next? A stand alone freezer for the garage.
14. Do you have a separate freezer for storage? No but I desperately need one.
15. Grocery shop alone or with others? Do the kids count? Always alone, it is actually stressful for me to shop with others.
16. How many meatless main dish meals do you fix in a week? NONE
17. If you have a decorating theme in your kitchen, what is it? Favorite kitchen colors?My kitchen is French Provencal Butcher! Basil green walls, white cabinets and wood-look counter top - completely copied from a "Trading Spaces" episode. :)
18. What's the first thing you ever learned to cook, and how old were you? Maybe cookies before this, but definitely Spaghetti - I was 12.
19. How did you learn to cook? My mom ...
20. Tag 2 other people to play: Just do it if you want...


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